Intensive Design Lab - Paperwork Bundle


Looking for a painless way to get your paperwork ready for new intensive clients? Look no further! The Intensive Design Lab Paperwork Bundle includes:

  • Fee Agreement & Good Faith Estimate for Therapy Intensives

    • Including Cancelation Policy & Payment Schedule

  • Client Screening Form for Intensives

  • Email templates for responding to inquiries about intensives, responding to “wrong fit” clients, and spreading the word about intensives to clients and clinicians

Let me save you hours of your life working on this. You are sure to earn back your investment when you book your first intensive!

I need this!

Looking for a painless way to get your paperwork ready for new intensive clients? Look no further! The Intensive Design Lab Paperwork Bundle includes:

  • Fee Agreement & Good Faith Estimate for Therapy Intensives

    • Including Cancelation Policy & Payment Schedule

  • Client Screening Form for Intensives

  • Email templates for responding to inquiries about intensives, responding to “wrong fit” clients, and spreading the word about intensives to clients and clinicians

Let me save you hours of your life working on this. You are sure to earn back your investment when you book your first intensive!

Looking for a painless way to get your paperwork ready for new intensive clients? Look no further! The Intensive Design Lab Paperwork Bundle includes:

  • Fee Agreement & Good Faith Estimate for Therapy Intensives

    • Including Cancelation Policy & Payment Schedule

  • Client Screening Form for Intensives

  • Email templates for responding to inquiries about intensives, responding to “wrong fit” clients, and spreading the word about intensives to clients and clinicians

Let me save you hours of your life working on this. You are sure to earn back your investment when you book your first intensive!