EMDR Consultation for therapists

You want to be an amazing therapist that brings health and healing into the world

You completed EMDR Basic Training.  Maybe you had experienced EMDR as a client in your own therapy and felt really energized to learn the mechanics of how to “do” EMDR as the therapist.  You feel passionate about this powerful modality and want to continue to learn and grow so you can feel fully confident and effective, helping clients heal from the pain they carry inside.  But you need help to hone your skills.

Or maybe, for you, EMDR was much more complex than you expected. There are a lot of different pieces to remember.  It’s easy to feel lost and overwhelmed.   It can feel vulnerable to practice a new modality in a live session.  Sometimes you wonder if you will ever “get it” and if you would have been better off sticking with the therapy styles that are more familiar and inside your comfort zone.

I want to help you …

 Go from feeling…

  • Completely stressed out 

  • Unsure and unworthy

  • Alone

  • Confusion

  • Anxious and afraid

  • Stuck or just barely scraping by

To feeling…

  • Calm and secure

  • Confident in who you are

  • Connected and cared for

  • Clarity

  • Courage and curiousity

  • Creative and in a flow

I’m Steffeny

I’m an EMDR Certified Therapist and EMDRIA Approved Consultant. I have a private practice in St Louis, Missouri where I offer EMDR Intensives and Adjunctive EMDR Therapy (working in collaboration with the client’s primary therapist). I love EMDR - it’s changed my life personally and professionally - and I really enjoy supporting clinicians to grow in their confidence and clinical skills. I am passionate about integrating EMDR and IFS/Ego States to help our clients, ourselves, and our world heal. Click here to learn more about my work with clients.

My Specialty Areas


  • Religious Trauma

  • Chronic Illness & Medical Trauma

  • Burnout

  • Sexual Trauma

  • Early Childhood Trauma

  • Grief & Loss


  • LGBTQIA+ Community

  • Neurodivergent

  • Highly Sensitive People

  • Cancer Survivors


  • EMDR Intensives

  • Integration of IFS & Ego States

  • The Flash Technique

  • Future Templates

  • DeprEnd (Depression) Protocol

My Approach & Values

  • Together, we make space to notice what is happening inside of you: thoughts, emotions, body sensations. We name the parts of us that show up when we approach EMDR. We learn to be Self Led, so we can turn toward the parts of us that need nurture and care in order to learn, grow, and be an agent of healing for ourselves and our clients.

  • Practicing the skills we want to teach our clients. This includes Breathwork, Calm Place, Body Scan, Light Meditation, Butterfly Hug, and Resourcing around our experience of EMDR as a therapist.

  • Approaching life with curiosity and humility- knowing that there’s always more to learn. I love the concept of Bilateral Learning - I learn from you and you learn from me. We learn together.

  • Failure is an essential part of the learning process. We share our missteps (rather than minimize or hide them) so that we can support one another. Failure is a friend that is welcome here. Without it, we can’t evolve and grow.

  • Each consultee creates a learning plan to identify the areas of EMDR that they want to build confidence and clinical skills. During case presentations we can collaborate on growth areas and successes.

  • Creating a therapy space that is affirming of clients’ intersecting identities.

  • I invite you to take a posture of curiousity about our own biases. Let’s set an intention to explicitly acknowledge the power dynamics in the therapeutic relationship and the systems of oppression that impact our clients’ mental health and wellbeing.


 Now Offering

  • Individual EMDR Consultation

  • EMDR Consultation Groups

  • Consultation for EMDR Intensives

  • EMDR Consultation for Highly Sensitive Therapists

  • EMDR Consultation for Religious Trauma & Spiritual Abuse

EMDR Consultation can help you:

  • Find a sense of confidence and calm in your work with clients

  • Feel supported enough to practice and grow your skills

  • Break down your learning goals  into manageable pieces

  • Celebrate your successes

  • Become the therapist you want to be

Confidence and clarity

are just around the corner .

Frequently Asked Questions about emdr consultation

  • Individual Consultation

    30 min of consultation is $100

    1 hour of consultation is $200

    5 hours of consultation is $950

    10 hours of consultation is $1850

    Group Consultation

    60-minute group $50

    90-minute group $75

    120-minute group $100

  • To get the most up to date info on EMDRIA’s certification, visit their website. As a Consultant in Training I can provide 15 of the 20 consultation hours needed for certification.

  • I’m happy to write letters of recommendation for therapists that meet with me for at least 3 hours of individual consultation or 5 hours of group consultation. This is to ensure that I can ethically speak to your knowledge and use of EMDR.

  • No. I welcome all licensed therapists that have completed EMDR Basic Training.

  • Yes, as consultee you are welome to complete a portion of your consultation hours as an EMDR Intensive. The focus of the intensive would be experiential learning - similar to completing a role play during your EMDR Basic Training (as opposed to individual therapy). You would continue to take on the role of a consultee and learner. My role would be your consultant and teacher, and not your therapist. If at any point, there is a need for any type of therapeutic support, I would refer you to continue that work with a local therapist.
    To learn more, visit EMDR Intensives & reach out by completing the Contact Form.

  • 1) Join my free Facebook Group, the Therapy Intensive Community: Launching Intensives in Private Practice. I offer free trainings & resources inside the group.

    2) Subscribe to my Youtube channel for free trainings & resources

    3) Visit the Intensive Design Lab Store & check out all the Done-For-You Templates that make launching Intensives easy peasy

    4) Join me inside the Intensive Design Lab, where I support therapists to launch intensives swiftly & simply so they can stay focused on the therapeutic work they love

    5) Schedule a consultation sessionand let’s discuss what therapy intensives could look like in your practice and how to connect with your ideal intensive client

  • I am so glad you asked! This is a very special project that I am working on. I am creating 5-minute videos that answer questions that real EMDR therapists have about how to use EMDR! The videos are free and can give you a sense of my consultation style.

  • Ready to book a 60-minute Individual EMDR Consultation Session? Check out my availability.
    Prefer a quick 30-minute consult session? Schedule your mini consult session here.
    Do you have questions? I’m happy to answer them by email or set up a free 15-minute zoom call. Just complete the contact form and indicate your interest in EMDR Consultation.


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