Therapy for therapists
in St. Louis

Helping others heal can leave us holding pain inside.

You work to help people heal.  This work can be hard, stressful, and even traumatic at times.  Client stories can strike us in ways that we don’t expect and we are left to pick up the pieces in our own hearts. It doesn’t have to be intrusive thoughts or images specifically about a client’s experience.  Maybe you are dealing with vicarious trauma or burnout. Does this sound familiar?

  • The things that used to fill you up, bring you down and what used to inspire you, doesn’t move you anymore - leaving you feeling stuck and exhausted

  • Lost your passion and energy for the work that used to come easy to you

  • Feeling like you aren’t doing enough no matter how hard you work

  • Where you once felt connection, you now feel annoyed, bored, or apathetic

  • Where you once felt strong and centered, you now feel off balance and out of sync

Our journey of healing never ends.

There is always a new road to travel in our healing journey.  We can feel proud of the work we’ve already done and discover a new path that leads us deeper.

Maybe you are beginning to notice that there are pieces of yourself that are asking for your care and attention.  Or maybe there is a part of your story that you want to process in a new way. 

You are looking for a space to shift out of the “healer” role, to experience healing more deeply in your own life.  You want to be able to nourish the parts of yourself that need care in order to allow yourself to flourish more fully in your work and relationships. In our work together, we will  integrate EMDR and IFS, we can take the next step on your healing journey.

It’s vulnerable to walk into the therapy room when you are used to being in the driver’s seat.  It takes humility and strength.  I see your courage and welcome you just as you are.

Things we can work on:

  • How your early childhood, attachment, & trauma history is playing out today

  • Understanding where your work intersects with pain in your story

  • Creating a more peaceful & harmonious connection to yourself & your story

  • Strengthening feelings of joy & fulfillment in your life, relationships, and work

  • Believing that your presence matters and you are enough

Discover new depths of healing, wholeness, and joy.

Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy for Therapists

  • Let’s be real. Before we were therapists, we were human. To me, going to therapy is allowing yourself to take off your therapist hat and shift into a space of receiving. It’s vulnerable. I’ve been there! I’m highly collaborative so I love working with therapists. We can go so much farther and deeper because of the wealth of knowledge you begin with. I want to build on that and help you dig a bit deeper into the spots where you hope to uncover more insight to light the way.

    Like I mentioned above, I incorporate EMDR, IFS, mindfulness, and self compassion into our work. I love to learn from clients and love to see folx make new discoveries. I won’t talk down to you or move out of step. I tend to be more gentle and nurturing, but I also know how to say it like it is (when the time is right). Mostly I like to have fun, get curious, and see things from new perspectives. Let’s talk about the process and make sure it’s right for you. If you find I’m not your gal, that’s totally fine. I’ll cheer for you no matter what part of the journey you’re on.

  • Vicarious trauma occurs when an individual who was not an immediate witness to the trauma absorbs and integrates disturbing aspects of the traumatic experience into his or her own functioning. I really like this overview of signs and symptoms.

  • The short answer is yes. I am a HSP and love to support other Highly Sensitive Therapists to learn how to care for themselves while doing the work they love. You will find some more resources on this topic here and here. If this is you, I would love to journey with you.

  • I know how vulnerable it can be to sit on the other side of the therapy room. I want to honor the part of you that is a therapist and has great depth of knowledge, experience, and training, while also making space for the parts of you that are human and hurting. All of your parts are welcome.

    If you like to talk “therapy stuff” and nerd out on clinial stuff - we totally can. I don’t want to erase or ignore that part of you - but I also don’t want it to be the only part that shows up. My hope is that your system can feel safe enough to allow me to see and know many different facets of who you are.

  • You can get the full story on the About Page. I am EMDR Certified and that’s my primary modality. I also interweave IFS Parts Work with a somatic focus. I utilize advanced EMDR Techniques like Flash, EMDR 2.0, Resetting the Affective Circuits, Early Trauma Protocol, and Resetting the Immune System. I am very heart-centered and intuition-led. Through the session I am highly collaborative and ask for your consent before we take any steps forward. You can always pause, take a break, or tell me something isn’t working for you. I highly value feedback and in vivo processing of what’s happening inside the session. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hestiate to contact me.