Copywriting for   therapists

Creating copy that connects with clients you love

Writer’s block is real.

And it sucks right?

Have you been feeling a sense of dread about writing your website? Sick of staring at a blank page and thinking I don’t want to do this? Feeling awkward or uncomfy at the thought of writing about yourself? Want to connect with clients that you love to work with?

Maybe you have a website already. You have invested time, energy, sweat, and tears into the process. Maybe it kills you to say you just don’t love it. You’re ready for some outside help to transform it into the vibe and vision you’re imagining and to make your dream a reality.

Let’s take writing your website off your to do list

Here’s the thing. You are wonderful and offer so much to the world. I want to learn the HOW and WHY you do what you do so I can help hurting people find you so they can heal. I won’t be shy (or too extra) about capturing all the reasons a client would love working with you.

Together we will create
compelling and courageous
copy that converts.

Steffeny used her therapeutic skills to really listen to me, get a feel for my "voice," and understand my ideal client.

She produced beautifully written copy that speaks to my ideal client and sounds like me. Steffeny has a friendly, laid back, and calm demeanor that made me feel comfortable working with her. During the copy review process, she was collaborative and open to feedback. If you are thinking of booking with Steffeny, just do it, I promise you will not regret it.

— Deanna

soul searching

Let’s define and clarify who you are as a therapist. It sounds like something we should just know about ourselves, right? I mean we are therapists after all! But the truth is that we are on a journey of self discovery in our practice as much as in our personal life. We often don’t stop to reflect and really look inside. If you already know what you’re about - Cool! And if you don’t (or you’re still finding out) I can help you explore these things so clients can know if you’re their person.

your ideal client

Let’s get crystal clear about who are the clients that make your heart burst. (In a good way). Who are the people that when you leave a session you feel really good? Notice when you feel energized, proud, grateful, and have a sense that the work you do is truly meaningful. Notice what those specific clients have in common. Together we can look for the themes and connections. Getting really clear on who your ideal client is super essential to helping those people find you. It also helps prevent burnout out and create a practice that you truly love.

your voice

Let’s pay attention to the things that you say to clients all the time. What are your go to phrases or messages in session? Your zingers. The things you feel are true deep in your bones. That’s what me & my team of copywriters want to capture in your website copy. Even though your copy will be written by us, we want the clients to hear you. We will be your microphone so that clients everywhere can hear what you’re already saying that is life changing and transformative.

the technical stuff

By the end of the process, you will have SEO friendly copy that will help you rank on internet searches and Google. Please note: I do not offer website design. Words are more my thing. I can connect you with people who have a beautiful eye for design or you can DIY your site with a template.

We can help you with. . .

Your Website Copy & Niche Statement

Online Directories (Psychology Today Profile)

Therapy Intensive Website Page

Sales Pages

Email Sequences

Launch Copy

Nobody writes copy like Steffeny writes copy!

Writing copy that makes your ideal client feel like you wrote it just for them? AND that sounds like you? It's hard! Harder still is layering the selling strategy on top that turns potential leads into paying clients or customers? UGH! It can be paralyzing.

Steffeny knows how to make it easy. She collects exactly the information from you that she needs to deeply know your ideal client, capture your personality and voice, and get in all on the page in such a way that people are EXCITED to work with you. It's such a relief to find someone who can do ALL of the jobs of copywriting so well.

No more stressing, no more paying multiple people to get it "just right". Just ease and excellent results.

Amber Lyda (Therapist & Therapreneuer)

Copywriting for Therapists

How it works:

1. Let’s talk

Meet with me for a 90-minute pre-writing interview. Then I begin writing!

2. Copy unveiling party

This 90-minute session is a space for you to get your “first look” at the copy.

3. Take time

Sit with it and send me feedback for any unlimited revisions for 14 days.

4. Celebrate!

You are walking away with copy that connects when clients you love.

Copy Coaching

  • Do you want feedback on a page of your website or your Psychology Today profile? Send me a link to your copy and I will send you a recorded review with recommendations to make it more compelling to your ideal clients.

  • 60-minute live coaching call. Show me your copy. Get feedback, ideas, and find your flow.

  • Schedule a day of unlimited Copy Coaching through Zoom, email and Voxer. We will start the day off with a live Zoom Copy Coaching Session. After that you’ll be ready to take all the new ideas / recommendations from our meeting and put them into action. I will be available to support you throughout the day. You can ask questions and get feedback through email or Voxer. We won’t be glued to our phones, (because we also need to get sh*t done) but you’ll have ongoing support so you can make progress on your copy and avoid getting stuck. I’m ready to cheer you on! We will finish up the day with another live 60-minute Zoom Copy Coaching Session (or can be scheduled at a later date, if preferred).


Done-For-You Copywriting

  • Get a Psychology Today Profile, 100% written for you.


    • 30 min Pre-Writing Interview

    • 30 min Copy Unveiling Party

    • Unlimited revisions (within 30 days of unveiling party)

    • Bonus: 10% off any additional Psychology Today Profiles (focusing on another speciality area in your practice)

  • Copywriting for 1 web page (Home, About, or Specialty Pages).


    60 min Pre-writing Interview

    60 min Copy Unveiling Party

    Unlimited revisions (within 30 days of unveiling party)

    Bonus: 50% off the Psychology Today Profile—written 100% for you

  • Copywriting for 5 web pages (Home, About, 3 Specialty Pages).


    • 90 min Pre-writing Interview

    • 90 min Copy Unveiling Party

    • Unlimited revisions (within 30 days of unveiling party)

    • Bonus: 50% off the Psychology Today Profile—written 100% for you

  • Copywriting for 7 web pages of your choice (Home, About, Speciality Pages, Modality Pages, Investment or FAQ Pages)


    • 90 min Pre-writing Interview

    • 90 min Copy Unveiling Party

    • Unlimited revisions (within 30 days of unveiling party)

    • Bonus: 50% off the Psychology Today Profile —written 100% for you

  • Don't have time to wait for a formal copywriting project? Reserve your VIP Day to get my brain on your copy for 3 hours.

    Includes a Kick Off Call one week prior to the VIP Day, Revisions and Voxer Support for 1 week after the VIP Day.

    Focus areas: Website Copy, Sales Pages, Email Sequences, & Launch Copy.

  • Get 5 pages of website copy in 5 days.

    How it works:

    • Complete my comprehensive questionnaire sharing about your practice, your ideal client, your brand and voice (2 weeks prior to the intensive)

    • We will meet for a 90 min Pre-writing Interview (1 week prior to the intensive)

    • Your website copy comes to life! You do your thing, while I create beautiful copy just for you. We will check in periodically to touch base and answer any questions.

    • The Copy Unveiling Party will be on Day 5 of the Intensive. This is your “first look” at the copy. Edits and revisions can be made during our live session.

    • Unlimited revisions (within 14 days of Copywriting Intensive)

    • Bonus: Free Psychology Today Profile that has consistent messaging with your website copy

It’s that simple .

Frequently Asked Questions about Copywriting for therapists

  • I get it. I am a therapist in private practice and had that Oh Sh*t moment when I realized I need to say things about myself in order to have clients to work with. I know how intimidating and time consuming the process can be. It can really shake your confidence in yourself. I wanted to get expert support so I joined Anna Walker’s Confident Copy Program. I learned so much about myself and realized that I’m good at this copywriting thing! It just comes easy and flows for me. I saw my colleagues struggle and suffer - I hated to see that and wanted to make it simple and smooth for them. I also get to use my therapy skills! I love the discovery process and journeying with clinicians. Finding what makes them feel alive helps me feel alive too! It’s another way to care for clients and clinicians and help make the world a more happy, healthy, and equitable place.

  • Your copy is the way you make that initial connection to clients. It’s building the relationship and rapport from the very first click of the mouse. Your first impression is the difference between the client hitting “schedule now” or continuing to scroll through dozens of websites and therapist profiles out there. While SEO-optimized and Google-friendly copy is an upfront investment, it yields long term results! Once the foundation is set in place, it continues to help clients find you – while you work, rest, or play.

    I am a therapist and copy coach so you are getting the best of both worlds! I have lived experience and know what it’s like to try to find words to set yourself apart from other therapists while still holding a mindset of abundance rather than one of scarcity and competition. I have received copy coaching and marketing mentorship from one of the best in the business – Anna Walker of Walker Strategy Design Co. I leaned in and learned about the science behind marketing. I take that knowledge to help therapists find words that capture the work they love to do. If you are looking for someone with a calm and comforting presence and the technical “know-how” to guide you through the process – you’re in the right place!

  • In 2022 I became a Copy Coach for Anna Walker’s Confident Copy Marketing Mentorship Program. I have supported more than 400 therapists to create copy that is courageous and compelling, but most of all it CONNECTS with their ideal client. That same year I began to offer Done-For-You-Copywriting services and I truly love going deep with a handful of talented clinicians to construct their website copy from the ground up.

  • No. While I love a good website design - the visual elements are not my area of genius. I create the copy (or words) that you can give to your website designer or that you can plug in to the website template of your choice. Walker Strategy Co has some gorgeous, affordable, and easy to use squarespace templates!

  • It depends on the number of pages in your website and your availability for the Pre-Writing Interview. The entire project can take up to 3-4 weeks from the date of the Pre-Writing Interview to when the Final Draft appears is in your inbox!
    Don’t want to wait? Schedule a Copywriting Intensive. You get 5 pages of copy in 5 days! I craft beautiful copy while you work, rest, or play - you are the VIP. See above for details.

  • I schedule copywriting projects a quarter in advance. Contact me for current openings. Please know that the first opening may be 1-3 months from the date you reach out.

  • There is a non-refundable 50% deposit due at the time of booking your copywriting project. The remaining 50% is due by the start of the Copy Unveil Party.

  • Yes! I partner with Afterpay so that you can create a payment plan that works for you.

  • It’s simple - click here to reserve a time that works for you!

  • Yes, all Done-For-You Copywriting projects are written using SEO Keyword Research and the on-page copy is optimized in order to rank in Google searches.

    Copy Coaching Sessions can include an SEO Audit of your existing website.

  • Yes! I love supporting therapists with a side hustle or second business. I offer Done-For-You Copywriting for Sales Pages, Launch (and Pre-Launch) Email Sequences, along with Launch Strategy Sessions. I also offer Done-With-You Copy Coaching for your Launch Copy. Finally, if you have a Sales Page that is brand new or isn’t converting the way you want, I offer a Strategic Sales Page Audit. To learn more & see if we would work well together, schedule a free 15 min consultation.


From the first moment of meeting online I knew I had found the write person (get it?!).

I cannot recommend Steffeny Feld enough!!!!! I reached out to Steffeny in crisis. I was having major self doubt and had been stuck for nearly two years. I had fragments of website copy all over the place, but Steffeny was able to put the pieces into something beautiful, like a kaleidoscope. The confidence built during this process was all because of the approach provided by Steffeny.

— Crystal