Intensive Design Lab

What if you could do your best, deepest therapy work without compromising your health, wealth, relationships or future?

Therapy Intensives can

transform your  practice & your life.

What if you could provide deeper healing AND break through the salary ceiling of traditional therapy, ALL while having more free time for self-healing, family, and fun?

 Does any of this ring true for you?

☑️ You have been seeing clients for years, and they are making progress but it feels like it’s taking FOREVER

☑️ You are sick of wasting the first and last ten minutes of every session getting “in and out” of the therapeutic work

☑️ You see 25 clients per week and you don’t feel like you can give them your best or help them connect with the best inside themselves

☑️ You feel guilty because the best hours of your day are going to your clients instead of your friends and family  – tension is building in your closest relationships

☑️ You feel far from the vision you had for yourself as a therapist and wonder how to infuse new life into your work

Therapy Intensives may be your solution.

What if you could…

✅ Meet with a client for 3 hours - or even 8 hours! – and really go deep?

✅ See your clients experience breakthroughs in just a few DAYS that would usually take YEARS?

✅ Spend HALF as much time in session & still DOUBLE your income?

✅ Shift your practice to align with your values & what matters most to you?

✅ Create space for yourself and the things that nourish you & your ability to be a source of healing in the world?

 What if it could feel like this for you too?

 What if your life could look like this

You wake up and start your day off with yoga, followed by a cup of tea on your porch. You’re able to sit in stillness allowing your body, mind, heart, and soul to connect.

Afterward, you get your living space in order, take a shower, and answer a few emails. You grab a smoothie or bougie salad before you roll into the office around noon. You have a 3-hour intensive session on the schedule today. You welcome the client into the space and you’re enjoying that everything is clicking into place and you’re in flow. You feel a wave of warmth and gratitude wash over you, knowing that you’re making a difference and proud to call this your life’s work. When the session wraps up, you’re filled up and not depleted. You get home early enough to beat rush hour traffic. You decide to meet up with friends for dinner and drinks. You feel alive and energized. Your life is full of fun and you feel fulfilled.  You are doing meaningful work that makes the world better. 

Yes, I want this life!

Tell me how intensives can help me get there!

Or if you’re a morning person (aka parent)

Imagine that you get the kids up and out the door for school. You have time to get yourself ready and centered before your day at the office begins. With coffee in hand, your intensive session starts promptly at 9 am. Your client is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, so you lose no time diving into the deep therapy work that you love and your client truly wants and needs. Your client is having insight after insight. You’re amazed at how much they are accomplishing in such a short window of time. At the end of the session, they thank you and you know by the look in their eyes that they mean it. It’s about noon and you have time to eat lunch, answer a few emails, and then the afternoon is yours. You can go run errands, go to the gym, or watch Netflix until the kids need to be picked up from school. You still have energy and affection available when they climb into the car or get off the bus. 

This could be your life… for real.

 If you want to step into more effective therapy AND live better outside of your therapy sessions,  it’s time to learn how to do Therapy Intensives.

That’s exactly what I teach inside Launch Guide.

Could you really build wealth while helping clients heal?  

 Intensives are flexible, clinically adaptable ways to address your client’s needs, while protecting your own.

  • Intensives allow you to work in a more focused way with fewer clients at a higher price point, leaving more space in your schedule for your life outside of therapy.

  • Intensives are an advanced form of cutting-edge treatment not widely offered, enabling you to charge premium rates for a specialized service.

  • The intensive model is designed to be a concentrated therapeutic experience, requiring fewer sessions to really go deep in processing.

 Maybe you’ve heard about therapy intensives and you’re excited and energized by the possibilities.  You like the idea of doing deep work that truly changes lives, not to mention the freedom it could mean for you - more time, money, and energy.  It almost sounds too good to be true…

So if intensives are so great,

why aren’t more therapists offering them?


Most therapists haven’t even heard about them 

  • But you have! So congrats for being ahead of the curve!

It can seem confusing and there are a lot of questions that can come up…

  • What length of session will work best for me and my clients?

  • How do I decide which clients intensives work best for?

  • How much should I charge?

  • How do I add intensives into my schedule?

It can feel like a lot of work

  • Adjusting your paperwork and policies specific to intensives

  • Figuring out the legal implications when offering intensives

  • Understanding how to offer intensives ethically

It can feel risky to invest in something new.

  • What if it doesn’t work?

  • What if I put all this time and energy into this and nobody signs up?

  • What if someone does sign up and it’s a flop or it doesn’t feel effective?

  • What if I don’t have enough experience as a therapist?

It can be hard to know where to start.

I’m here to help with exactly that. 

I had all of these same questions and when you hear about my story, you will see why it was so important for me to work through them and now I get to share them with you too.

Hi, I’m Steffeny.

I support therapists to launch therapy intensives in their practice, so they can work less & earn more while helping clients heal.

How intensives
transformed my life

(I wonder if any of this will ring true for you too…)

Maybe like you, I started out working in community mental health, which meant long hours, high need, and very little support.  I also experienced difficult circumstances in my personal life.  I didn’t know how to handle this massive influx of stress coming from my personal AND professional worlds.  I thought that if I just tried hard and kept pushing myself, everything would come together.  I was very wrong.

Not only did things not “come together,” my life began to fall apart - including my health.  In my twenties I was dealing with chronic health and autoimmune issues. I could barely sleep or eat. I had no energy or ability to live my own life, let alone be of service to anyone else.

That’s when I knew I had to make a serious change.

I left my job to focus on restoring my health - physically, mentally, and emotionally. It wasn’t easy.  Most of the time I felt like a failure. But during those months I relearned how to care for myself, how to listen to my body, how to honor my emotions.  I took a lot of naps, did a lot of yoga, and learned about mindfulness meditation. 

Slowly, my soul was able to breathe again.  

Another important piece of my story is my unusual journey to motherhood.  After 7 years on a road filled with disappointments and so much grief, my son was born. It was March 1, 2020 at the start of the pandemic in the US.  So many things changed in the world and in my world. Once I became a mom, I was even more determined to shift my life and my career to be able to cherish this precious gift. 

Life is too short to not keep the most important things first. 

I found that intensives were the way for me to do that and now I help other therapists to do it too.  Intensives give us the ability to provide the deepest healing for our clients without sacrificing our own need for healing.

So why should you take a chance on something new?

Maybe you’re like me and you hit that breaking point where you need to do something new to save your soul. Or maybe you’re a glutton for punishment like me and you can’t help but try new things and take on new challenges.  We all know how important having a why is, because doing a new thing can be exciting, but it can also be hard. The why is what will get you through. Let me share a few of my why’s to help you connect with your own so you can see if this is a path that is right for you.  Grab a pen and paper to jot down. 

You’ve heard some of my whys like…

✨ Recovering & regaining my health and wellness

✨ Having a strong and close connection with my family & friends

✨ Claiming a flexible schedule so I can …

  • be home with my son & have chill evenings

  • fly out of town if my friend or parent has an unexpected medical procedure

  • be available for field trips, sports tournaments, and girls weekends away

  • be a better mom, wife, therapist, and friend

Some of the therapists that I’ve supported have shared their whys…

✨ Building financial freedom so they can…

  • pay off student loans

  • get ready for retirement

  • travel & make memories

  • give generously

✨ Helping their clients be able to…

  • get results faster

  • heal more deeply & fully

  • have healthy relationships & rich connections

  • experience true & lasting change

If you want all that & more, I want to help you get there.

Join me for my program, the Intensive Design Lab

Launch Guide

I can guide you step-by-step to launch therapy intensives in your practice simply & swiftly without the overwhelm, fear, and uncertainty so you can stay focused on the deep therapeutic work you love.

This is for you if you…

👍 Are ready to work less & earn more

👍 Want to do deep therapeutic work based on what the client needs rather than a time-frame imposed by an insurance company

👍 Already do amazing work with clients and want to amplify that

👍 Feel like the traditional weekly model of therapy isn’t as effective for your clients as it could be

👍 Know that the weekly model of therapy is not working for you as a parent, person live with chronic illness, or neurodivergence

👍 Feel excited to launch an intensive program in your private practice

Not for you if you…

✋ Feel satisfied with the hours you are working and the ceiling on your income

✋ Already offer intensives and feel very confident in your approach

✋ Are content with the traditional approach of 1 hour session once per week format of therapy

✋ You are new to private practice and completely focused on building a caseload of weekly clients

✋ Know that you won’t make the time to create the changes that could benefit you and your clients

By the end of the program you will have 


Created the format, set the price, and structured your schedule.  All essential foundations for an intensive offer.


Prepared your paperwork and policies - all of the nuts & bolts needed to offer  your first intensive.


Designed the process for how your intensive will work - from initial inquiry to the final debrief session.


Invited current clients to book an intensive & spread the word to referral sources utilizing the scripts & templates.


Set premium fees by exploring money mindset blocks & the stories that have prevented you in the past.


Built more confidence about how to guide new inquiries into becoming private pay intensive clients.

What’s inside the


  • What’s a Therapy Intensive?

    What’s your why?

    Who is your ideal client?

  • How to Format for Your Intensives

    How to Schedule Your Intensives

    The Perfect Pricing Model for your intensives

  • Create the essential paperwork

    Select a Payment Schedule

    Develop Your Cancellation Policy

    Prepare your EHR for intensives

  • Initial Client Inquiry

    Consult Call

    Client Books the intensive!

    Client Workbook

    Pre-Intensive Interview

    Intensive Day Agenda Setting

    Post-Intensive Interview

    Rest & Reflect

Want to make your life easy peasy? 

Upgrade to ✨ VIP ✨ to get your hands on all the Done-For-You Templates

No DIYing it necessary!

Plus These BONUSES

✨ BONUS 1: Consult Calls that Convert: Intensives Edition

✨ BONUS 2: Money Mindset with Audrey Schoen

✨ BONUS 3: Simple Practice Tutorial: The Complete Therapy Intensive EHR Set Up

✨ BONUS 4: Self Care Meditation for Brave New Adventures

Don’t forget the FREEBIES

Script to Invite Current Clients to Book an Intensive so you don’t overthink it

Insurance Opt-Out Form & Cash Pay Agreement to stay on the up-and-up

Therapy Intensives Fee Agreement & Good Faith Estimate to dot your i’s and cross your t’s

Therapy Intensives Marketing Checklist to help you get the word out

Therapy Intensive Reflection Guide so you can keep growing & improving every time you do an intensive!

The choice is yours: 2 Ways to Learn


6-week Coaching Cohort

How it works…

You will join a supportive community of therapists all learning to launch intensives.  You will have a recorded lesson to watch each week and then we will meet for a 60-minute GET IT DONE style coaching session. These sessions will be focused on taking action to get your intensives off the ground! You can ask any questions and learn from questions your peers ask too. Plan for 1 hour a week to watch the recorded lesson & prepare for the live sessions (and an additional hour for our live session). When we meet I’ll help you to clarify any confusion, boost your productivity & complete the tasks for the week!
I believe that a group cohort is a sacred space where we share our stories, our dreams, & our support for one another. It’s important to me to keep the cohort size small so it can stay comfortable & cozy so that we can truly connect. The cohort will be limited to 20 therapists & if more join, I will consider creating a second cohort group. Please know that I care deeply about your success & want to help you every step of the way!

Perfect for you if….

✨ You prefer to learn in bite-size pieces (rather than big chunks) so you can take your time to digest

✨ You know that if you get too much information at once it can be overwhelming and lead to paralysis or procrastination

✨ You value a cohort model where you get group support and accountability

✨ You enjoy weekly homework assignments, to check things off your list, and maybe even get a gold star

How it works…

You will log on for 2 Days of intensive learning and get everything you need to know about offering intensives in your practice.  You will get a workbook to document everything you learn and to track your progress, including a very handy (and comprehensive) checklist!  Workshop attendees receive lifetime access to the recording so that you can revisit them at any time in order to remember or refresh yourself.  You will be invited to join the private Facebook Group: Intensive Design Lab All Access, for ongoing support and collaboration.

Perfect for you if…

✨ You already know that you like to binge content all at once (rather than getting it broken down into episodes)

✨ You are fast-moving and don’t want to wait a week or two or three for the next episode to drop

✨ You can keep yourself organized, on track, & moving forward toward your goals

✨ You’re not necessarily a fan of group coaching calls



2-Day Workshop

Whichever learning model works best for you,  you can upgrade to become a VIP.

✨ It feels good to be a VIP! ✨

 Become a Launch Guide VIP & you’ll get…

Valued at


The Intensive Design Lab

BIG Bundle

It’s all Done For You!

✨ Paperwork Bundle ✨

Save yourself the time and brain space of coming up with paperwork that is specific to therapy intensives. Grab the bundle and save yourself the headache of DIY-ing it.

  • Therapy Intensive Policies

  • Fee Agreement & Good Faith Estimate for Intensives (Private Pay Therapists)

  • Insurance Opt-Out Form & Cash Pay Agreement (Insurance-based Therapists)

  • Intensive Client Screening Form (to determine if the client is a good candidate for intensives)

  • Email templates for responding to:

    • Responding to initial inquiries for intensives

    • Redirecting clients who are not a fit for intensives 

    • Spreading the word to your clients and other clinicians about your intensive offer

✨ Intensive Therapy Package Menu✨

A ready-to-go document addressing common client FAQs about intensives.  This Canva template can be customized to match your branding and add details specific to your practice.  It is a clear, polished, and professional design that sets the stage for a premium client experience.

✨ Therapy Intensive Client FAQ Sheet ✨

This Canva template gives your prospective clients an overview of your intensive offer, what it includes, and the price points.  This is perfect to attach to an email (as a PDF) when a client reaches out and expresses interest in an intensive.  The template can be customized to your specific offer.  It is a clear, polished, and professional design that sets the stage for a premium client experience.

✨ Therapy Intensive Client Workbook ✨

This Client Workbook will guide each client through everything they need to prepare for their intensive work.  It includes a welcome letter, FAQs about intensives, reflection guides about their current pain points, triggers, self-care strategies, coping skills, and support system, and a section to get very specific about the goals for this intensive. It spans more than 50 pages and is full of relevant assessments.

✨ Therapy Intensives Social Media Kit ✨

Ready to spread the word about intensives?  These social media templates are designed and written with a copy to tell prospective clients & other clinicians all about the benefits of intensives.  Perfect for a busy therapist who wants to share about intensives but may not have time to craft a series of social media posts.  The Social Media Kit includes: 

Graphics and copy for Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

  • Introducing Intensives 

  • Now Scheduling Intensives

  • Introducing Adjunct Intensives (for other therapists)

  • Niche Specific Transformation 

  • Celebration / Success Story

Seriously that’s A TON of stuff!

Don’t worry,

You can be a VIP no matter what you choose!

Kind Words about Steffeny & the Intensive Design Lab Program

“Steffeny is a great resource with a calming, reassuring style. I walked away with a great framework for structuring and marketing intensives. – Trisha

“Steffeny is so kind and approachable in providing all of the information that I needed. She used an organized format that not only told us the "what" of intensives, but also the "how" of implementing them into our practices.” – Monica

“This was absolutely amazing and so incredibly helpful! Steffeny's knowledge and passion really shines through when she teaches. I learned so much and am already implementing steps to move towards offering intensives.” – Leah 

“Steffeny is a kind, creative human & therapist that will help you create your vision for intensives, then support you to build it.” – Rebecca

“The Intensive Design Lab has shown me what is possible, provided inspiration and tools that have my creative juices flowing, and gave me an opportunity to think more deeply about my work and how I want to impact lives.” – Amy

"During my first Brainspotting Intensive we were able to clear a target that we had been talking about in sessions for 1 year! It was encouraging so see my client make so much progress. Intensives have allowed me to do the type of work that got me into the field - to help people make change and experience BIG transformations." – Natasha

Maybe you are wondering

  • So glad that you asked! Obviously all VIPs get EVERY template we have ever made. If you don’t feel like that’s right for you, you will get the Freebies which include:
    -Script to invite current clients to book an intensive
    -Insurance Opt Out Form/Cash Pay Agreement (for insurance-based therapists)
    -Therapy Intensives Fee Agreement & Good Faith Estimate (for private pay therapists)
    -Therapy Intensive Marketing Checklist
    -Therapy Intensive Reflection Guide

    You would not get access to:
    -Paperwork Bundle (includes Therapy Intensive Client Screening Form & email templates for responding to new inquiries, current clients & colleauges/referral sources)
    -Intensive Therapy Package Menu
    -Therapy Intensive Client FAQ Sheet
    -Therapy Intensive Client Workbook
    -Therapy Intensive Social Media Kit

  • I’ve already thought about you! If you bought the templates, but you’re having trouble making them your own - the 6 Week Coaching Cohort may be a good option! You can get the accountability and strategic support to get everything in place. If you purchased the Big Bundle or other Intensive Design Lab templates, send an email to - and we will create a coupon code - you get access to the VIP upgrade at a discounted rate based on your past purchases (up to $300).

  • Heck yes! Many clients are drawn to intensives because they want to feel better faster. They may also prefer a weekend of therapy rather than to attend weekly appointments. This can be true for busy parents or professionals who travel frequently for work and are unable to commit to ongoing weekly sessions.

  • No way! Intensives are effective for many different types of therapy including IFS, Couples - EFT, Brainspotting, psychodynamic, ERP, CBT, DBT, and many more.

  • I totally understand - fitting things like this into your schedule can be tough.  All of the sessions will be recorded and you would get lifetime access to watch (or rewatch) them whenever works best for you.

    The 6-Week Cohort really works best if you can attend live - because those live sessions are when we dig in to GET IT DONE.  So if you aren't able to attend (the majority of) those sessions, then I would recommend going with the 2-Day Workshop option.

    The 6-Week Cohort will meet on Tuesdays at 12-1pm EST starting June 11 - July 23 (except July 2). 

    The 2-Day Workshop will be Thursday June 13 and Friday June 14 from 1-3pm EST.  

    Let me know if you have any other questions - I'd be happy to help you decide what will work best for you!

  • Let me tell you a secret. Somewhere we got the idea that only therapists with 20+ years of experience can do intensives. That is completely wrong! If you can offer therapy in an hour, you can offer it in 3 hours. Of course, there is an art & science to it (which I’m going to share with you) but do not think for a second that you’re not able to do this because you lack clinical experience. I’m telling you - insurance companies created the 57-minute session arbitrarily!!! model. Intensives gives us a way to offer therapy in a way that works best for our clients and for ourselves. It's time to start offering sessions in a way that is built around clinical need, not session reimbursement.

  • Building your practice is a really key moment and it can take a lot of your time, energy, and emotions. Some therapists find that they prefer to build a strong foundation of weekly clients before they add on intensives. Others find that it is very helpful to launch intensives while they are establishing their practice - so the logistics are built into the structure of their practice. It’s possible to add intensives while you are in the practice building stage and to earn income while you’re growing your caseload. Tune in to see feel what’s right for you.

  • Some therapists find that adding intensives and charging a premium private pay rate, it allows them to reduce the overall number of sessions that they have in a week. If you are already full there may be a strategic way to incorporate intensives into your practice so you get the benefits, without the burnout.

  • First of all, cheers to you for launching Intensives! If you feel really happy and content with how your intensives are going this is not the workshop for you unless you are curious about how others are doing it! But if you have started with intensives and you don’t feel totally satisfied or in your flow - this is a great opportunity to take inventory of your approach and see what you might tweak or change to align your intensive program more with your values and your personality.

  • If you’re like me, you have purchased DIY or on-demand courses to watch when you have time… but you never get around to actually doing them. Something always seems to get in the way. Because we are HUMAN!

    LAUNCH GUIDE is different because it’s live, it’s interactive, and it gives you the space to design your intensive during the workshop. You'll graduate from this rapid workshop series, inviting your current clients into the intensives you've created during the workshop, and writing copy for your future intensive clients.

  • You’re not alone. Most of us feel that way before we start something new. You definitely won’t know for sure if it will work if you don’t have information and support from someone who has gone before you. Think of this as a fact-finding mission. The only way you'll know if intensives are for you and your clients, is to do some. I'll teach you how.

  • Most insurance plans will only cover (or reimburse) 1 hour of therapy per week although some will cover 1 session per day. In the course, I provide a script to help you have that conversation with your clients.

  • This is a complex question that unforunately does not have a simple answer. In January 2023, the law changed making the CPT code 90837 cover 53+ minutes and beyond. Prior to that, therapists could bill for intensives using extended session codes, but those are no longer in use.

    Therapists who are in-network with insurance companies have responded in different ways to this change. It’s a personal decision that no one can make for you.

    Some therapists believe that an intensive is not the same service as a standard 90837 session. They share with clients that intensives are not covered by insurance and they will not go toward their deductible and can ot not be submitted for out-of-network reimbursement. Their clients agree to pay out of pocket for the therapy intensive and the therapist creates their own CPT code for their intensive sessions (which does not get submitted to insurance at any point).

    Other therapists believe that technically any session (regardless of the session length) falls under the 90837 billing code. These therapists may choose:
    1) to not offer intensives
    2) to offer intensives to new clients that come in as private pay (and do not have the insurance that the therapist is paneled with)

    3) to offer intensives to current clients if the client is willing to sign an Opt Out Form and the client agrees to pay out of pocket - just for intensive sessions
    4) to create a second business that is completely private pay and not contracted with any insurance companies - in order offer cash pay intensives to any client.

    If you are paneled with insurance, it’s important to consider this question carefully. You may want to review your current contracts, speak to an insurance representative, or consult with a lawyer who is knowledgable about this topic.

If you have a unique situation that you want to check in with me about before you purchase, email me and I will give you my honest, heart-felt feedback.

Are you ready to work less & earn more while helping clients heal more deeply, more quickly & more fully?

Still not sure if this is enough support?  Don’t worry! You can choose to be a ✨ VIP ✨ when you checkout!

More questions?

Please do not hesitate to send me an email at

I sincerely want to hear from you!