Freebies for Therapists

Scripts, Checklists, & Videos for therapists who like to learn more & dream big.

Checklist for Marketing Your Intensives

This detailed checklist guides you through all the essential steps, from crafting messaging to choosing the right channels.

Roadmap to Intensives

This roadmap lays out the essential steps, from planning and logistics to post-program integration. ️

Examine & Evaluate Your Intensive Experience

This worksheet helps you analyze the programs and identify areas for improvement.

Script for Current Clients

This ready-made script helps you introduce intensives to existing clients and answer their questions confidently. ️

IFS-Informed EMDR Cheat Sheet

This quick-reference guide maps EMDR phases to IFS elements, simplifying integration and deepening results.

Checklist to Launch Intensives

This checklist ensures you've covered all the bases before launching your next intensive program, guaranteeing a smooth and successful start.

Therapy Intensive Insurance Opt-Out Form

This template clearly explains insurance opt-out for intensive therapy and simplifies the process.

Helpful Videos

My Youtube Channel has loads of free videos (all 5 minutes or less) about my favorite topics including Therapy Intensives, EMDR, and IFS.  Subscribe to follow along and comment if there are any topics that you would like to see covered in a future episode.

3 Simple Steps to Start Offering Intensives (*New)

5 Myths about Offering Therapy Intensives

5-min EMDR Refreshers

Stay up to date on more freebies and other exciting offers.